Planned Giving

Establish Your Legacy

NourishMKE is committed to pushing the boundaries of traditional food pantries by building community and nourishing bodies —and your support is vital.  Our mission is to build community through nourishment. We believe a dependable supply of food is a means of bringing hope and dignity to our food-insecure and marginalized neighbors. 

Planned donations, such as appreciated securities—including stocks and bonds, deferred gifts through estate planning, and endowments—are an excellent way for you to provide legacy support to address food insecurity. These gifts to NourishMKE often provide even greater support than outright cash gifts. They empower us to carry forward with the work you care about, today and far into the future.

Legacy Giving

Deferred gifts allow you to provide a more considerable legacy than might be possible through cash gifts given during your lifetime.

Forms of Planned Giving

  • Bequests through a will or trust
  • Gift of appreciated securities or closely held business stock
  • Beneficiary designation on a retirement plan, brokerage account, or donor-advised fund
  • Life insurance policy
  • Outright gift of real estate or other personal property
  • Establishing a Family Limited Partnership

Stock Giving

Did you know … donating stock instead of cash may help you get a bigger tax break – here’s how:

  • You receive an immediate tax deduction for the full market value of the stock.
  • Tax savings! Donating stock allows you to avoid the capital gains tax you would owe if
    you cashed in the securities.
  • Donating stock directly to NourishMKE — versus selling and donating the proceeds —
    can often reduce the cost of your gift by 50% or more.


NourishMKE welcomes your gift of stock, bonds, or mutual funds. Gifts of long-term appreciated securities offer you an advantageous way to support the work at NourishMKE, and your donation may unlock a charitable income tax deduction or minimize capital gains taxes.

For more information, email our Executive Director at