Nutrition & Gardening

Eating Together.

Access to unfamiliar ingredients, knowledge, and education is made available to those who wish to learn more. We are always looking for ways to expand our food education offerings so that guests can explore without judgment. We help our guests learn to prepare and enjoy foods that are not always familiar or that we may have in abundance. Each week, staff and volunteers prepare a quick and easy food demonstration with bilingual recipe using ingredients we have on hand. This is no small task when sometimes the delivery of ingredients arrives the day before! We work together to make a delicious snack that guests can enjoy while they wait, and look forward to enjoying when they make it at home.  

Growing Together.

At a typical grocery store, everything is already packaged. At NourishMKE we create our own gardens so that everyone can see what food looks like before it’s packaged. Our guests get to touch every part of the food life cycle: Growing the food. Preparing it. Consuming it. Composting it.

At Nourish MKE we have indoor hydroponic towers and outdoor community gardens. If you’re interested in volunteering to share your knowledge of gardening please contact

Our Work in Action