As Max (Mitchell & Streetlife founder) has told me from the very beginning of my term, “It’s not a coincidence that you are here.” I couldn’t agree more. Call it what you may, divine intervention or the planets aligning, either way, Nourish MKE and Streetlife were exactly what I needed at this point in my life.

All of the things of the past year and a half happened for a reason. I’ve been able to rediscover who I am and where my passions truly lie. I’ve also been able to find my voice and some healing. I’ve learned that I’m brave when I need to be and strong for others when they can’t be. 

I’m excited to continue working with NourishMKE and supporting the communities that I love after my term is over. I cannot wait to see what’s in store for NourishMKE, myself, and the community. I believe that grassroots organizations like NourishMKE and Streetlife will change the world.     

This has been a year with personal and professional challenges but it’s been a year of huge growth. Having the support of the NourishMKE team has really been valuable. I’m sure I will continue to learn and gain confidence in myself after Americorps because NourishMKE is a great place to grow. I’m still working on setting boundaries and not feeling bad about it, but this might be a lifelong journey. 

 I’m currently working on my bachelors in Social Work with a minor in Human Services and a certification as a Substance Abuse Counselor in Training (SAC-IT).  I can say that my time with Nourish and Streetlife has had some influence in my educational choices. The opioid crisis is traumatic across our country and greatly affects the communities we serve. I plan to work with people suffering with substance use disorders in the future because one thing I will always remember is, “that could be me.”

 I’ve made bonds with people I would never have thought I’d have a bond with. Some of these bonds are beautifully tragic. I’ve learned so much from people half my age who have emboldened me to continue to be a helper. Lexy (Vivent Prevention Specialist) is one person who comes to mind. She was there during a really hard, scary, and chaotic time. Her calmness and skill helped me stay somewhat calm and try to administer aid to a community member. She and I would likely not have met if I weren’t involved in Americorps. She showed me what a strong, educated, fearless woman who runs towards danger looks like. 

I truly appreciate everyone I’ve worked with over the past year. They’ve helped me rediscover myself and my passion for helping others. I wish the incoming Americorps members the best and to embrace every moment. It’s a transformative year and you are in good hands! 🌿

Although her Americorps term is over, we are excited to have Erika join us as a part-time staff member! Thank you, Erika, for dedicating your time and efforts toward the NourishMKE & Streetlife missions. Show Erika some love over on our Instagram & Facebook, and, of course, around the centers each week.

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